Alpine Media provides creative services for the conceptual form of your advertising campaign, and also for the graphical layout of the artwork file.
We will work with you at no charge to establish the concept and function of your campaign. This process will take into account your intentions, requirements, specific offers and the results that you wish to achieve from your on-mountain advertising campaign.
Once the concept and function of your advertising campaign has been established, we are able to offer you the creative service of completing your graphic artwork file. Please ask Alpine Media for current studio service rates.
The amount of time required to complete graphical lay-up of your artwork will vary according to the content you have elected. An average campaign should take no longer than 3 hours of studio time to complete.
Alpine Media will happily accept a completed artwork file direct from a client; providing that the artwork is set up to the specifications as detailed in the production specs, and that the content & graphical style is approved by the ski area operator & Alpine Media (as per our standard terms and conditions).